Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Assignment 1

Betty Crocker decided to package their fruit snacks in a standard folding carton. Even though their folding cartons were generic they were smart because the graphics that were used on the folding carton were catered towards the consumers they were trying to attract and in this case the consumers are majority kids. Kids love bright colors and things that catch their attention. The graphics that are on the containers are bright and appealing to catch the eyes of young kids. If kids like the package, then the parents would quickly be drawn into buying the product for the child. This picture can be found by following the following hyperlink: .

Often time’s packages are designed to cater to a specific audience. In this case this package is designed to cater to children especially big bugs bunny fans. This was a very smart idea for the graphics department of this company. This folding carton also caught my attention because of the game that came on the back side of the package. It was a matching came that was used to help sell the product to children. You can find this image on: .

This is a picture of an older type of ice cream box. This Baby Ruth ice cream box was used back when ice cream was packed in folding cartons instead of containers. This package caught my attention because I really didn’t know that Ice cream came in containers like this. I also thought that this was an interesting package, because of the printed graphics that came on the package. The graphics clearly displayed what was in the package as well as sold the brand of the product by how many times it was printed on the carton. To find this picture on the internet you can follow this hyperlink: .

Regular slotted containers are also used to package products. The above picture is a standard regular slotted container that is used. This package folds together and is normally secured shut with tape or an adhesive. To learn more about regular slotted containers you can follow this hyperlink: .

Howling Wolves applied a great graphic on their regular slotted container to fit their name. This is what caught my attention with this package. The package isn’t very colorful or catchy, but when you read the name and see the icon you quickly make a connection in your mind of the words and graphics. I feel that the words and graphic are a great way to sell this package. To find this picture you can go to: .

This regular slotted container is used to hold lunch utensils. Just by observing this package, it seems to be very sturdy and protective. These are some of the most important qualities in a package. The printing on this package also clearly states what is in the package. Follow this link if you would like more information about this package: .

1 comment:

ThePackager said...

AJ - this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for taking the time to personalize this blog. Excellent variety and fantastic deconstruction.

Next time, also include how you could possibly leverage some of the package aspects in your projects. Further, illustrate some packages that may not be appealing or appropriate designs.

great job.